(FAQ about Conté)
When was Conté established ?
Conté was established on July 20th, 2019.
I want to send the graet idea for Conté movies. Can I send it to you ?
Conté does not accept any kind of creative submission. All of Conté's idea, creative, stories are created internally. For legal reasons we do not consider any creative material (scripts, synopses, sketches, etc.) sent to us unsolicited. If you wants to publish your ideas, please tweet or post to your SNS. [Mention me @Conte_Animation(Twitter)]
Can I look around Conté office and facility ?
We are a closed studio and do not offer tours, because of human resource capacity and confidentiality issues. Conté leader's meeting video, Conté stories making video and background stories video are uploaded to YouTube(JAPANESE). Please check out those videos.
What is Conté's operating company ?
Conté is produced by GEEKS Co,. Ltd.
What is "ALL GEEKS Co.,Ltd. LABELS" ?
It's GEEKS Co.,Ltd.'s progect and identity of speciality. All of our project have 'BASIC BELIEF' and "MISSION" which is "We always should have great belief that is the right things we belive nad make someones's happiness and "ARIGATOU"(Thank You) " and are confronted with those.